Thursday, September 22, 2011


Life has its ups and downs. Unfortunately, I've had a few downs lately. I've come to the realization that not everything works out the way that I want it to. Now you are probably thinking, "You just now realized that?" No, I didn't. Its more than that, that I have realized. Somethings just don't work. Whether they don't work can be all sort of reasons, some of which can be because it wasn't meant to happen, you didn't work hard enough, you over worked at it, you gave up on it, and then, I think the real reason that gets overlooked very often is that it just didn't work. There is no reason for it, sometimes things don't work. Not everything can be done the way we want it to be, life doesn't work like that. How do I know, because it hasn't thus far. I believe that some things don't work simply because it is meant to build our character, not test it. It is in defeat when we show who we truly are. It is in disappointment that we show how much we let ourselves go. If everything went right in our lives, if we win everything, how could we ever appreciate it with out first understand what its like to be on the ground. It is disappointment that we create ourselves, so that when victories come, we can be really grateful and not take for granted what we have.

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