Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Bump On the Head

Recently I was hit in the head, multiple times. It was for a improv part of a skit that I was apart of where I played a boy who died and someone sees me and checks to see if I'm alright. The way the decided was funniest to check if I was dead was to slap me repeatedly to see if I had any life left in me. The crowd laughed as it happened, but I became furious with every blow that landed on my head. It was as if the person hitting me was injecting me with an infuriating passion of hate and pressing the trigger that was about to have me explode. At the end of the skit I felt fine, but I was angry with the person who hit my head.
Afterwards, I took time to reflect on why I became to angry. I thought it would be normal to become a little flustered with getting hit on the head, but the level of fury that my mind had was too much for too little of a circumstance. I began to think about other times that I've hit my head, and all the ones of recent memory, lead to me becoming very angry instantly. I began to wonder if there was something in my past that caused my fury to be unleashed from hits on the head. I started to remember that I've received quite a few hits on the head in my childhood. From head-butting soccer balls when playing soccer as a lil tike to punishments for saying something wrong from my parents to falling off my bike with my helmet on but still causing a jolting shot to my head. Head bumps came decently often.
But there is still the question of why it infuriates me when I get hit. To me its inconclusive. I've bumped my head so many times in some many places that its hard for me to blame any one incident. All I know is this happens only when I get hit on the head, its interesting, and unjust to all those who see it in me when it happens. I think I need to have a little more self-control, and peace in my mind, something i'll be working on for a while.

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