Monday, April 4, 2011


I find few things more encouraging that hearing that someone is praying for you. Life seems to be going better when I hear that; I feel like I can make it through a rough time once I hear that. There something about it that makes you feel like someone cares for you. Whether or not the person is close to you or you still communicate with the person, its still encouraging. As I rolled into my apartment last night, I was talking to one of my roomies who told me about his time with a professor that I one had. He mentioned my name to the professor and the professor immediately smiled. "That guy is a crazy guy!" said the professor, "I have him on my prayer list." Upon hearing this I had such a large smile on my face because I had the feeling that someone cares enough for me to take out time to pray specifically for me. I know that there are people that pray for me all the time (family and people from my church group) but to have it come from someone that I didn't realize would do that for me. It's comforting, especially when going through difficult times, it good to know there is someone out there praying for you.
I have a list on the right side of my computer (because I use it so much) posted on a "post-it" of people, groups, places to pray for. For me its simple and easy because I see it every time I open my computer, and I take a moment to say a prayer for them. Every once in a while, I let the people know that I am praying for them; I encourage them. A moment of prayer is all it takes to let someone know you care.

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