Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Putting the Pieces Together

Recently I was putting a puzzle together. It was a gift, and one worth the assembly required.

I started off truly enjoying putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. With my french press steeping coffee in front of me I braced myself for the journey I was entering. Although it was only 252 pieces, I spent about 3 (distracted and inconsistent) hours on this puzzle. The first 2 hours were quite fun! I sat at the table with my roommate, helping him find school supplies online and matching all the easy pieces together. It seemed to be going rather quickly, even faster than the coffee I was drinking.

The last hour wasn't quite as fun as before.The puzzle became harder, and harder and even though I had the picture right in front of me of what the puzzle was, I still couldn't seem to put everything together. I started putting pieces in the wrong places thinking they were fitting, until later when I found another piece that fit "better" because it actually belonged. And this started to make me think.

Now, I apologized for being mostly cliche' here, but this is really what my mind was going through. I am at a point in my life where, I am supposed to find a job, a living place and a life that is supposed to "fit" me. Problem is: There are so many things that fit well, but not perfectly. This job is not my dream job, but it pays well, or I have a good living area, but its not where I want to be. This puzzle is not a clear picture, yet. But sometimes the piece works, for a time. I can make it fit to help me see the bigger picture, until the perfect piece comes around and shows me the complete picture.

The puzzle of my life is one which I will forever be putting together, as every puzzle seems like at some point,  but sometimes we need to sit down and sort through all of it and try out a piece out until the right part comes along and turns the puzzle a clear picture.

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