Monday, March 5, 2012

When Everybody is Mad at Everybody

In my current living situation I am in a position that I am fairly unfamiliar with. I moved into my apartment with three other guys way at the end of Sept. It is presently March and is by two or three months, the longest I have lived in one place consecutively since moving out of my parents house. I have moved around quite a bit due to work positions and where I was doing my schooling. Being able to live with this group of guys for this long has been an enjoyable experience. But even in joy the are difficulties.
Recently, there have been so many disappointments, misunderstandings and lacking of commitment that it is becoming difficult to want to be in the house I live in. There are issues with everyone; the one who does the least chores complains the most, the smallest one is picked on by the bigger ones, the easy-going one losses care for anything that is happening in the apartment. I find this dynamic that is happening similar to a family. Many times siblings get after each other when they don't do their chores, simply because they don't want anyone else to notices that they aren't doing there's. The older sibling picks on the little one for no reason, but because they know that they have the advantage if things become hostile. The sibling (often the middle child) that gets along with everybody loses care for the others because there is drama they do not want to get into.
Families are usually easier to apologize to and make up with after making mistakes. But when it comes to disturbances between non-related persons living together, it no longer simple. Insecurities get in the way, different foundations make resolving uneven, and even emotions mixed with sub conscience thoughts about he other person get in the way and make issues hard to get over. Like a large pile of clothes dumped onto a bed, its a messy chore that doesn't take great effort to complete but we stop ourselves from resolving it.
In a way, this makes me miss my family and appreciate them more. Because even when everybody is mad at everybody, things eventually work themselves out. With people that are in some ways strangers, the same cannot be always said.

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