Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Something is Missing

Today on my day off from work, I sat in one of my favorite coffee shops, Mr. Toot's Coffee Shop in Capitola, Ca. One of my favorite places to be is in a coffee shop that has a homey feeling. The openness of coffee shops allows me to often be open with myself and what is going on in my life. Slowly, as I sat there, a strange feeling of desire crept into mind. I began to miss so many different people that I haven't been able to see or speak to in a while. Immediately I went on facebook and wrote on many people's wall's explaining that I missed them and wanted to see them, or even just say hi to them. Then I began to think about my family, and how much I miss them. I wanted to go to them hug them and tell them I love them and explain to them that I truly appreciate their place in my life. Then my heart drifted to my brother. He has been gone for a little over 10 years now, I begin to think about what his life would be like. Would he be married and with children? What would his favorite type of coffee be? Who would he be his favorite musical artist right now be? Where would he be living? Would he be proud of the different accomplishments I've had the good fortune of achieving? How much time would I spend talking to him? I'm not much of a crying person, or someone that opens up a lot, but at this time, I'm holding back a river of tears, and I needed to tell someone that I miss him. Thanks for listening.

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