Friday, October 29, 2010

Cliche` Lines #1

This is a little series that I will be writing about on and off for a while. Tackling the sayings that we say so often to each other. I hope you enjoy it!

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." I enjoy saying this to friends as we depart from one another for longer periods of time. It is a comforting feeling to think that even though we are leaving each other, the separation will somehow bring us closer. Yet so often, separation only separates. I would say it is more than half the time when a person leaves your life to go to another place for some reason, whether it be because of college, a job or relocating, That person is harder to keep in contact with. For different people, granted, communication is easy to keep with, but not always. I believe its the growth that happens in you and the one away from you that causes the divide. It is not that the person is no longer interested in being a friend, or being in your life, but they are living their own life. As we live our life we grow, and since we are apart, we grow apart, each experiences that do not cause us to hate each other but to gain interest that the other may not have, and to lose interest that we once shared. I believe that when you are away you do realize how much you think about them more, but growth (which is a good thing in every persons life, keeps them away. Absence does make the heart grow fonder of the person that left, but when they come back, they are not the same person.

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