Monday, February 25, 2013

26 Days Later

Some people say life is a rollercoaster; a ride that will show you beautiful highs, and send you down faster than you realize. Its absurdly and amazingly true! I don't know why life happens like this, but it does.

I used to believe there was a system to it. The ripple effect is what I once dubbed my belief. In a simple explanation every action was a rock. Small deeds were pebbles, extravagant ones were boulders. If you did a large good deed, it is like you through a large rock into the pool of life and the ripples of the aftermath caused by your rock/deed were the good consequences that came back to you. But if you did a wrong thing, you through a bad rock into the water and would then receive ripples which aren't so good. Its a simple, and somewhat silly belief I have. But I kind of like it, because it gives a system that seems to work in this huge life.

Unfortunately, the past days have blown my system out of the water and left me in a state of perplexity. It is hard to draw any real conclusion from what has been happening to and around me. The ripple effect would say my actions resulted in these consequences, but what I am experiencing is out of the ordinary. I hardly know what to do or think about all that has happened. Perhaps if you saw my past days you'd understand:

First, I was asked to be by best friend's best man in his wedding (I'm honored and so excited!), then I got into my first car accident (it was small, but inconvenient. Everyone was fine and it has been taken care of)
Next, I ran and finished a marathon as a memorial to my brother! (check that off my bucket list!) But I came out injured, and 3 weeks after I still have some trouble standing for long periods of time without pain in my ankle. (Some days are worse than others, I need to invest in insoles and new shoes for special support)
After, I was invited to a Target open house because I was notified I am being reviewed for a job I want. (I've been applying for over a year and a half. The fact that I've had two interviews recently excites me!) Suddenly, the girl I was dating ends our precious relationship as we were beginning to blossom into something bigger than we ever experienced. (Just when you start to truly believe they are the one, they pull away, or so it seems.)
Finally, I won a contest which awarded me $300. (I was astonished to get an email which said my prize was on the way. I didn't believe it until I later confirmed I won! yay!) Only to be shadowed by the sudden death of my comedic uncle. (May he rest in peace. Please pray for my family.)

With all this happening, its only fitting I have a song titled "Everything Has Changed"stuck in my head. Can you recognize with me the fact that its been weird?! This is the epitome of the rollercoaster life is! Before I can finish celebrating or grieving an occasion, something else happens. I am living a life right now where I don't know what to do with myself.

Throughout all of this, there actually has been something consistent in my life. The truth that God is good. Though the past 26 days has been an emotional, physical, and psychological thrill ride, He has given me a peace which I understand just as much as I understand this past month. (Which is not at all.) I have heard more people recommend, directly and indirectly to me, to stay rooted in Christ and spend time with Him during this short period of time than any other time in my life! But I listened. I've been doing my best to focus on Him and His word. It is because of Him I'm beginning to understand how I'm able to be content in every situation like Paul stated in Phil. 4:11. It is all because of the peace he has given me (us). This peace, beyond my comprehension, is beautiful, even in my current situation. I may not know what to do, but at least my uncertainty is filled with peace.

I don't know what will happen n the days to come. I know I'd like things to be less drastic, but if not, I know I have a peace around me. Thanks be to God, for He is good, and...consistent.

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