Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cry Baby

Joesph in the Bible is known for quite a few things. He had a coat of many colors, he was sold into slavery by his brothers, he interpreted dreams, he went from jail to second in command over all of Egypt for aiding the Pharaoh (King.) What he isn't known for is being someone that shed a lot of tears. I recently read through Genesis about Joseph's life and found that he did cry often. I think its odd that someone who was one of the Bible finest men who trusted God throughout the terribleness of his life, cried about everything.
Today there is a social norm that men shouldn't cry. Men need to be rough, tough and always fierce because they need to protect their wife, children, they need to not fall apart and show no weakness. If a man cries, then he is weak. That is one struggle that men go through today. Joesph cried all the time and he cried the most when it came to his family, those who were closest to him.
Its interesting that the Bible chose to say that Joseph cried. I believe that it was trying to make a point. Here was a man, who was the greatest man, aside from the Pharaoh, in all the land that wasn't even his native country, and he broke down and cried. Often times it says that he cried right in front of his family with great sorrow. But looking at Joseph in his life, we would never say that this man was weak. In fact, he has the kind of trust that many crave to have in God.
Crying is not a weakness, but a simple allowance of ourselves to let go of whatever pressure is on is. Jesus himself cried at the death of a friend. Men should look at the example of Joseph and see that crying is not weakness, but its truly a way to gain strength; to let out all that is on you and let God take control over what happens next.

Monday, December 5, 2011

People Change

It seems to me like just when you start to become comfortable with people and begin to understand them, they change. Its like a total makeover, sometimes a complete 180. The person who once knew, held dear and cared for is no longer there, but has been replaced with this image that looks just like them, but couldn't be further from who they are. I'm beginning to believe that this is the nature of humans. Once we begin to find something good, that we get scared and run away because we don't know when its going to become "real" and real to us is something that hurts us. We sit and think that soon, this is going to hurt me back, they are going to do it intentionally and its all going to fall apart. And to avoid that, we change who we are in order to protect ourselves, and ironically do to the other person(s) what we didn't want happening to us. Maybe its because we've been hurt before, and every time we finally open up again, someone else is there to give us a reason to cave ourselves in. We no longer want to take a chance to be hurt, so we change who we are and leave the others behind. And when the next person comes along, we keep them at arms length away, which is just the perfect length to watch what they do and give us enough time to avoid getting too close and becoming hurt from their actions. Its partly fear of the unknown, and fear of what has been known to happen. Both present in many people's lives.
I'm reminded of two things. 1. My bicycle, 2. Batman. First, my bicycle. I have never been a good bike rider. I'm not sure why, but I've hardly ever been able to stay in a straight line, or even stay on the bike! That still remains true today, unfortunately. You'll hardly ever see me on a bike. But to be honest, I won't pass up an opportunity to go for a ride. Yes, I know that for me it is potentially dangerous, that I may come home injured, but I enjoy it. In my mind its worth it. No matter how much pain riding my bike has brought me before, I will not let it stop me from getting on it again. This brings me to Batman. Not too long ago, there was a movie title Batman Begins. There is an important scene where young Bruce Wayne (Batman) falls into a pit and gets scraped up and scared. His father rescues him and takes him into the house, but asks him a question first, "Why do we fall Bruce?" The answer, if my memory serves me right, is so "We can learn to pick ourselves up." Everyday we will fall in some sort of way. Whether its physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or socially it happens. But we need to get back up again, wipe off ourselves, take time to mend what was broken, but most importantly get back on the bike.
We shouldn't allow past pain, faults of others, brokenness keep us from going forward, from a great future. But unfortunately we do. We can be apprehensive, but never fear what is out there just because its unknown what will happen. The unknown is there to be explored. I still get on my bike from time to time. Careful as always, but never fearful of what may happen. I'm not going to change myself to no longer enjoying bike rides, but embrace them when I can with caution. Nothing will change me, unless its me choosing to change for the better.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cheating Death

Sometimes I tell people that I am invincible. I mean it more as a joke but, there are times when I actually believe it. Maybe its my youthfulness that makes me think that way. Or the fact that I have survived a number of times where my life was in potential danger. Then I think about mu family and the deaths that have happened throughout the family line and I see that I am still alive. All if that contributes to my thinking. Whether that's for the better or for worse I have yet to find out.
I need to remember that I am not Superman. As much as I'd like to be, I need to know that I am human. I have limits. Death is natural and will come upon me like it has every single person ever to live.  Not to be morbid, just honest. I dont believe that with this information you should stay indoors, hide yourself away so you don't get hurt, protect yourself at all cost or never do anything potentially dangerous. I believe that with this information that we should go out and jot be afraid of what may happen to us. Overall we should be careful and not completely careless, but don't let the protection of our life keep is from living our lives.
Sometimes its fear that keeps us from going out, because the unknown can be scary. But the unknown is the greatest thing ever because we can be the first ones to go through that unknown and live to tell the story of it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Phase One

I told myself when I was younger that once I wrote 50 poems that in my mind were decent, I would send them to a publisher to be, well, publish, or at least looked at for the possibility. I've known for quite a while that I've had over 50 poems written, but I have not taken the time to organize them enough to put them in a presentable form. Why? I'm not sure. It's more of a nervousness because I don't know who would read actually read the poems. Not all of them are good in my view, perhaps that is just a writer's disgust for their own writing. But no matter what I think, I have entered Phase One. I have begun to organize and prepare these poems for processing from an editor and all that comes after. Its my first step towards being a published author. It is exciting, and I hope some one reads it. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Habits says a habit is an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary: the habit of looking both ways before crossing the street.
Habits are intense! I've noticed that I have habits, some good and some bad, some that are neutral. But all of them are hard to change. Every Friday I play Ms. Pac Man at the local Laundromat with my roommate. I've been playing this game since I was a child, that it is natural for me to regularly do the same actions over and over again. But the game is completely random, the ghost move right only sometimes, other times they go up, left or down. But even when I see them coming straight towards me my habit keeps me from moving away and saving my life. It seems funny, but it is a struggle. When I looked at the definition I saw that it says that it is an ACQUIRED pattern REGULARLY FOLLOWED. That rings such a warning bell in my head. I find myself when pulling up my internet browser in the morning going straight to three sites: my school email, my personal email and Facebook. I do this every time! Its a habit that I consistently do! I used to hardly ever check my school email, but not that I'm a president of a club, the school email is a major way of communication. I acquired this habit by regularly going to these sites each morning to the point that I no longer think about it, my hands know exactly what they are doing and I hardly need to have my eyes open.
Habits are difficult to get rid of, clearly. Some people have terrible habits, ones that are killing them literally, ones that are morally disgusting, ones that keep themselves from ever becoming greater than who they are, ones that hold them back from attaining their potential. Its sad at times, but its true. On the other side, some people are great at what they do because they made their habits good. Its been said that great people don't do great things, they do the ordinary things greatly. You see the difference? They teach themselves to do the every day mundane better than they did it before, better than anyone else is doing it and thus it became a habit. They made greatness their habit and that is why that are said they are great. What your habits are is who you become. If you make your habit something that will kill you, then death will become you. If you make your habit to be successful, then success will follow. All you have to do is acquire it, one step at a time.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I like the cuteness of the "Make a Wish" idea on 11:11, but I always say what I've heard a friend once say, "Pray for your future spouse." And I really do pray for whoever they are, if there is one out there for me. Today is a monumental day though, for the make a wish people. Its 11/11/11! so fascinating. It doesn't happen often. I secretly wished for a long time that I could get married on this day, but as fate would have it, I don't even have a girlfriend. I remember when I was younger that I wanted to get married young. I was excited to start living life with a beautiful wife that would be just in love with me as I would be with her. We would travel everywhere, do everything and be completely happy. Today, my romantic ideal of getting married young has drifted away as my age has gotten higher. Though by many people's standards I am still young, but I have no one to complete my youthful desire with. It seems like the more days that pass the less likely that this dream will be fulfilled. It seems that this type of romantic idealistic dream of love has escaped my grasp too many times for me to care enough to go through the motions another time. I won't be getting married today, unfortunately. Though I will be looking into eyes of possibility, I know it won't happen because I've already been told no before from this opportunity. I am too devoted though to leave the ashes so soon without looking for a leftover piece of hope. Once I move on, I will sit on the stool of apathy until I am awakened by another desire. Perhaps the next one will grant my wish. If not, then I don't believe I'll say a prayer when 11:11 comes around next. I'll be wishing.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Tragic Hero

Grand Valley State University in Michigan says, Tragedy depicts the downfall of a noble hero or heroine, usually through some combination of hubris, fate and the will of the gods. The Tragic hero's powerful wish to achieve some goal inevitable encounters limits, usually those of human frailty (flaws in reason, hubris, society), the gods (through oracles, prophets, fate), or nature. Aristotle says that the tragic hero should have a flaw and/or make some mistake. The hero need not die are the end but he/she must undergo a change of fortune.

This Tragedy is concerning heroes in stories. Classic stories like the Odyssey or the Iliad, where the heroes are there to save the day but things simply don't go their way and in the end there is still a mess to clean up because nothing was resolved. Its unfortunate, its real, its life. Sometimes I believe that, humans can be tragic heroes. Tragedy is around every corner, many times we are prepared and overcome it, but not every time. There are times where is just keeps coming and coming and coming, relentlessly! And all we can to is keep, keeping on. There are tragedies that will take a lifetime to defeat, making success even that much more sweet, but there are also some that we enter into at the beginning of our life, and are still present when we leave. This doesn't make us failures, there is nothing wrong with us, this is life. Life deals out something new everyday. Whether we are prepared for it or not, it will come. The important thing is to remember that a hero is always known for succeeding in everything, but being the one who tried to succeed when there looked like there was no hope. We can be heroes, but simply trying.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What They Said

They warned me not to, but I did it anyways.
They asked me if I was going to be alright, I said, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"
They said it was going to be hard, but I didn't believe them.
They questioned my motives, but I couldn't respond with a good answer.
They seemed to want to protect me, but I don't need to be saved.
They believed that I was doing the wrong thing, but I felt like I needed to do it.
They told me it will hurt, but I thought I would be strong enough.
They recommended being patient, but I've been waiting for too long.
They advised to find something new, but the old was so good.
They knew where my heart was, but didn't see that I couldn't take it back.
They expressed their concern, but I'm doing this on my own.
They wished for the best, but I know the best won't happen.
They give me no hope, but I'll take false hope over nothing.

Today, I'll find out if They are right.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Remember, Remember the 5th of November, the Gun Powder Treason and plot.
I know of no reason, the Gun Powder Treason, should ever be forgot.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


It seems that many people do the same thing over and over and begin to allow their dream of having a family, going to their dream college or working their dream job to become mundane and too repetitive. And when things seem repetitive, it gets dull and boring. No one wants to live a life that boring. I think the remedy for this is adventures. These don't need to be big, huge, life changing events. But there should be times when you can have a little getaway, a time to get out of the bubble that we so often put ourselves in.
Now, i'm not saying that we should be thrill seekers! Looking for the new and most exciting thing to do every time we get a chance. Although, i'm not against that, but I think that even adventures can lack fulfillment if one begins to do them so repeatedly. Thus, adventures carefully planned are the perfect remedy for a less than thrilling life sometimes.
I realize that my life is missing excitement, thrill, adventure. I need something tho look forward to, something to take pictures of and enjoy in the moment. Lately my life has been lacking in these types of adventures. I've been finding myself too busy with the things that drain the fun out of life: homework, job, bills. It would seem that I've allowed myself to be too consumed with life that it is hard to enjoy it anymore. But I'm looking to change that. I'm going to make fun happen for myself; give myself opportunities to look for and take pictures of all of it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I wake up in the morning and queitly exit my room because my roommate is asleep. I walk around my house to find that the other people in my apartment are doing the same. There is no one to say good morning to. I prepare myself a bowl of cereal and sit on my empty couch staring at the white blank wall in front of me. I take my morning pills, a vitamin and allergy medicine and get ready to go outside. Next I go to this morning's chapel. I'm not surprised that when I walk around the building to find a seat, I see no one that I know, so I sit alone. Finally, I see a friend and invite them to sit with me, but they mention they have already made commitments to sit with another so they lie to me saying that next time they'll sit with me, I've become acustomed to not being chosen. After chapel i make way way over to my mail box just to make sure it is empty; and just as I expect, there are no surprises again, empty. I head back to my apartment to gather all my class items and if i didn't eat breakfast before, i'll eat then, otherwise i'll catch up on the news via Yahoo. Once its time, I go to class and sit bored as the professor over explains the problems that I've already answered and am waiting to turn in. As soon as class is over I leave, no one here is in the mood to chat after overviewing Accoutning 2. I walk down the center of my school looking for someone to spend some time with, but as usual there is no one there wanting to talk to me. I proceed to my apartment again, this time I work on homework and watch a episodes of online television shows until my night class comes. I sit in the same room as my earlier class for three hours listening to a professor explain his theories about microeconomics. After this, I head back home again. Upon arrive at my house, its about 10:40 and i'm getting tired. No one is home, more than likely my roommates are all out with their girlfriends. I watch another episode or two of television while I eat dinner. Then I end my day similarly to how I start it, with no one to say goodnight to. This is my routine for 3 days out of the work week. Its missing a few things here and there, and some things change from day to day, but for the most part its all the same. I like routine that works, but this one I can hardly stand, so as often as I can I try to change it so I can be with someone, anyone and not be by myself in this mudane cycle. Unfortunately, no one else makes the effort like I do, so I am stuck in routine. I'm stuck alone.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today is my sister's birthday. Happy Birthday! I really am thankful for her presence in my life. Without my sister, I believe that I would be different today. She has giving me the ability to think and to push my thought process forward. Shes been available for me to talk about anything. I've spilled secrets to here, shared stories with her and watched her grow up into the person she is today. My sister has been exactly what I've needed in my life from a sister. I love her very much! Thank you very much God for blessing me with her. Happy Birthday Sis.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Ring on My Hand

I have a ring on my right ring finger. Its simple, being completely black but has the word "Mercy" on it in a Romanesque font and gold coloring. I wear it because it has meaning to me. I believe that there are two things that we need in everyday life that we don't get very often: Goodness and Mercy. Thankfully, in Psalm 23:6 it says, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life..." But even though its in the Bible, its hard to remember on some days that this verse remains true even though life shows you otherwise. There are days when so many things go wrong, that its hard to believe that there is good in the world. Then there are days when we screw up, and we are given a full penalty for our mistakes. Its on those days that I need this assurance the most, that despite what is going on in front of me, that somewhere in my situation is goodness. When I am receiving penalties for my actions, in the midst of it all there is mercy. Everyday, no matter if I feel it or not, its there. This ring on my finger, reminds me this. One day, I hope to make this reminder permanent, so I will never forget that goodness and mercy is following me.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Who Am I?

I've been told that I am loud and obnoxious, but I'm quiet and speak when spoken to. I've been told that I am such a merciful person, but I recently took a test that showed mercy to be my least used gift. I've been told that I am a great speaker, but I get nervous and stutter in front of people. I like to make people laugh, but many times I'm simply not funny. I have a feeling that I will do something big, but I feel so small, useless and unnecessary. I love, but at times feel unloved. I think i'm fit, but injuries keep me from being at my peak physical physique. I believe that I am a good writer, but my grammar is horrendous. I have dreams, but not all have come to be. I've been told that I am a good person, but I feel like the goodness is a disease that has taken over me and I no longer can help myself. I want to believe in something, but what I believe in has brought me to where I am. I love music but sometimes I cannot stand the sound of it. I say one thing, but I do another. I know who I am, but I am unsure of myself. Who am I?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Good Story

As a little bit of a writer, I appreciate when I hear a good story. A good story is not one that ends on a good note, one that is happy-go-lucky or cheers you up, though it can be. A good story is one that captivates you; it brings you into character's lives and makes you think you know them on a personal level. A good story is one that you'll listen to over and over again, without remorse. Its a story that makes you believe that what you are watching is actually true and you're sucked into without a knowledge of how or when it happened. A good story takes thought and process. It takes time to write a good story, and is worth the wait. I am writing a story, and I can only hope that it will be considered good.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm Working On It

A friend of mine recently died. It interesting because I immediately thought about my good friend that passed long ago because both have died at a young age. Since that first death that was so close to me, I have not taken a liking to death to burial times. The mourning I can do and understand, but things like the viewing or memorial services, or the funeral themselves I find it very hard to actually make myself attend such events. in the past ten years or so, I've known quite a few people that have gone into the next life, but out of all of them, I think that I've been to only 1 funeral and just as many viewings. I can't stand it, it is not something that I can easily describe to people, but I can hardly bare it. I told someone that I didn't go to the prayer service for my friend the died recently, because I was working on how I feel about death and these sorts of events. He told me that when he was in college, he had his roommate and best friend die of a heart attack in his arms. That is heart breaking. Completely. I do not know what I would do in the position, if my best friend had died that way, than the way he did long ago. But my friend told me the same words, that he too was "working on it" and wouldn't mind talking about it if I ever needed to. To be honest, I don't want to talk to him, but I think it is definitely something nice to know that someone will be there for me that can understand the way I feel. Someone that has a connection to me. someone that can relate to my feelings as a human.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Life has its ups and downs. Unfortunately, I've had a few downs lately. I've come to the realization that not everything works out the way that I want it to. Now you are probably thinking, "You just now realized that?" No, I didn't. Its more than that, that I have realized. Somethings just don't work. Whether they don't work can be all sort of reasons, some of which can be because it wasn't meant to happen, you didn't work hard enough, you over worked at it, you gave up on it, and then, I think the real reason that gets overlooked very often is that it just didn't work. There is no reason for it, sometimes things don't work. Not everything can be done the way we want it to be, life doesn't work like that. How do I know, because it hasn't thus far. I believe that some things don't work simply because it is meant to build our character, not test it. It is in defeat when we show who we truly are. It is in disappointment that we show how much we let ourselves go. If everything went right in our lives, if we win everything, how could we ever appreciate it with out first understand what its like to be on the ground. It is disappointment that we create ourselves, so that when victories come, we can be really grateful and not take for granted what we have.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Vanishing Act: Now You See Me, Now You Don't

I've learned the art of how to disappear. Whether that be a good things, or a bad thing, I do not know. Sometimes I need to get away, be alone in solitude, not in loneliness. But often, I see myself disappearing out of habit. At a party, in my own apartment, at an event, I become alone. What I've noticed over the past year or so, is my unwillingness to be around people that seem to not want to be around me. I feel like its worthless spending time around "friends" that wouldn't come to my door if I asked them to, but would rather allow the busyness of life keep us apart. Thus I disappear from their life. In moments like this I think that its wrong of me to do so, but at the same times, I see the people that are truly excited to see me, and genuinely want to be around me. They are the ones that are still around me. I like to call them my "true friends" but sometimes its surprising to see which people stick around me. I didn't know they felt so close to me. And if I mean something to them, I don't want to disappear from their lives.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Relying On God

Recently, I have noticed that I have allowed myself to be moved by the things that I see, what seems real to me. With the start of school comes the start of financial issues. I have a minimum wage paying job, that had taken hours away from me so that i'm only working once a week, and it seems like no one else is hiring. I'm concerned with the struggles I have of finishing paying off this semester, while needing to pay of the semester ahead of me so I can study abroad, and the possibility of having to pay for a summer program that I may not have the money for. I have allowed myself to be buried in what I see, and thus I am struggling. But I have found my strength in 2 Cor. 5:7. In a moment where I feel so stretched out, that I no longer feel like I have control, I realize that I'm doing things all wrong. I am being moved by what I see, and in different words, I am walking by sight. 2 Cor. 5.7 says, "For we walk by faith, not by sight." Paul is writing this in a time where he says they are "In this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed..." Despite the circumstances of Paul, he and his companions are not moved by what they see in the situation, but the hope of the Lord in their future, and what He will do for them soon. I know that the Lord is going to provide for me, I need to focus on that. Walk by my faith, not by my sight. I'll watch the Lord provide all that I need, and then more.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm Not too Short.

This is probably the most encouraging thing I have seen in a long time. I absolutely love the game of basketball. I may not be great at it, but I believe I can hold up my own most times. Unfortunately, poor coaches, and knee injuries have stunned my development of basketball skills. I wanted to be good and do something great in the game, but I did not have coaches that took there time to teach their players, and two large knee injuries have kept me on the bench for many games. These days, I don't play much basketball. I wish I did. It is very peaceful to me, and there are few things that I enjoy more than playing this game. But because of my height, I feel as if I never really gave myself a chance. I'm all of 5'8'' and my point guard skills are not as great as others. I learned how to play as a wing player, and never cultivated my ball handling skills. Thus when I came to a point where I stopped growing, I wasn't as valuable because I was too short. When I was young I dream of playing in the Olympics, for the USA Basketball team. That dream was crushed by the reality of my height. I stopped trying because I thought it was vanity to do such.
Just the other day, I saw this video about a 5'4'' college kid, who tried out for his college team in his Junior year. What amazed me is that he made the team, whats even greater, is that he made an impact! In the video link below, it tells you what was done for him his senior year.
Five-foot-4 walk-on’s perseverence pays off with scholarship - The Dagger - NCAAB Blog - Yahoo! Sports:

For those of you who are having issues watching the video, this is what happened. Because of his persistence and hard work, more than skills at the game, he was given a full scholarship to pay off college while he played. Fantastic right? The scene goes to a point where it looks like the couch is going to bang on him for not being in shape, but quickly the conversation turns into praise for the player. And in the end, the coach does what he says was the 'most rewarding thing I've done,' and hands him the full scholarship.
Sometimes I think that maybe if I start trying again, things could work out for me in the same way. Maybe I'm not too short.
'via Blog this'

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dinner with Friends

Yesterday evening, I enjoyed dinner with some close friends of mine. It was fantastic to cook a meal for them. I cook often for myself, but providing for more than just myself was truly something special. But I what I like to note, more than just the food and company that was enjoyed, is the conversation that was had. When you're among close friends, conversation isn't lofty and empty but there is conversation that is deep, sincere and worth spending time on. Of course there are the conversations that are simply fun, but always with close friends, there are ties when you say what you think to the other person because there is actual concern for them, their well being and anything they get themselves into. If I have learned something over the course of my college years, is that a good friend will speak their concern into you not because they don't want you to do succeed, but because they love and care for you in all you're endeavors. I believe that a friend is not a true friend if they do not state their concern for you in whatever you're doing.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Ending

I am not ending this blog, just in case you were a bit worried. But there are things that have ended in my life and its difficult to describe the feelings that I have toward it all. I like to be completely committed to what I am devoting myself to, whatever it may be. Why? Because I am going to be pouring my heart and soul into whatever it is, because I want whatever I am connected to, to succeed and withstand all that may come against it. I do not want anything to distract me away from what is precious to me. I don't like to waste my time so when I spend my time doing something it is definitely worth my time doing it. But sometimes I have to end things. Even if it is a good thing. As the saying goes, "All good things must come to an end." Whether it be true or not, some good things do end, and sometimes endings are good, even if they hurt. Part of me thinks that I am not able to wholly communicate what I am trying to say. Maybe I am making excuses for why I stay with certain things, or maybe I just have an older style of thinking. But I need to be completely focused in order to not be sidetracked, because if im sidetrack, i'm not fully committed, which I believe is wrong. I dont like for things to end, but sometimes they have to, whether it be for a time, or forever. The end.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pain from Lack of Communication

I currently have a cut that about 2 inches in length near my elbow. It is not a bad abrasion at all really, it bled much more than it should have. As I start to run in my mind how I received the cut, I begin to think about how I could have avoided it. The only reason I got the cut is because of a lack of communication between my dad and I when we were moving my couch from his living room to his truck. It was a hot day, the wind blowing around us did not help but only made the heat sting a bit more and we were tired from the work of the day before. Our voices were strained from our tiredness and could hardly be heard above the cars driving by on the street. I walked backwards, leading as he pushed forward following where I went. But when he began to rush forward, and I told him to slow down, that is when the pain struck. My left arm struck the boat parked in our driveway. It hurt, not badly, but enough to know that it was there and that it was bleeding. I continued on towards my father's truck and was able to rest the couch down before any other accidents happened. I realized what happened was a result from neither us speaking loud enough for the other to her. It was stubbornness, tiredness, and slight frustration that all combined together that caused us to not be mindful of the other and just push through hoping to avoid casualties. I think that sometimes I let my frustrations, stubbornness, and tiredness to stop myself from properly communicating what I think, see, feel and it eventually leads to pain. The pain can be different in each situation, small or great, physical or mental but in the end, its still hurts. Coming from a person who doesn't like pain, if I can avoid it, I would definitely do what I can to cause my body less harm. And to accomplish my self preservation with something so minute like communicating properly, it would be foolish of me to not try. Its good communication that avoids pain.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Father and His Blue Hammer

Today my dad asked me to fetch his blue hammer for him. We were going to my sister's house to aid her in decorating for a ladies party she was throwing and we needed the hammer to pin up some nails so we could hang some items. Thus, I quickly walked to the back of our house and saw the hammer my dad was talking about. I picked up the hammer and saw that it wasn't the same hammer that I remembered it to be. It used to be blue, the brightest blue, and could pick it out of a line of hammer and think it was the best, but the blue has been peeling away and what is left of the blue paint has faded. The hammer part used to be the shiniest silver and would reflect the sun with great brightness and intensity, but now there are dents and marks all over it and the silver has faded into a grey. Its no longer pretty but it gets the job done. I remember when my dad first got it, as a carpenter he was very excited. It had a special feature on it that was magnetic and would hold the nail down for the first hit so the man hammering would not have to hold the nail down and risk hitting his fingers. I remember we were working on a specific house for a customer and he brought it out, set the nail on top of the magnet and with a smooth stroke the nail was set and the next hit had such great force upon it that it completely went into the wall without needing a second hit. When I tried to use my dads blue hammer, it weight was to great my arms to pick up and hold steady, my then small hands were barley big enough to grip the beast of a hammer. It was big, beautiful and in a way, it was who I think my dad is.
My dad may not be in the greatest shape that he once was, but he does not let the imperfections of his body slow him down when he is spending time with his family and when it comes to work, he always gets the job done. My dad's hands are rough and coarse from the years of work and labor with his hands, but when he holds my hand I feel the softness and love that wraps my hand and still engulfs it in safety. My dad's muscles may not be as cut as they once were in his life, but they still have the strength to lift me up and hold me as if I was still a baby tossing me in the air and catching me without me hitting the ground. My dad may have face that has been burnt from the sun, giving him a darker skin that he did not always have, but the smile I see when I come visit him is beautiful and the when the words 'i love you' come out of his mouth, it is honest and pure and I know he loves me. My dad may not be perfect in the eyes in many, but he is who he is, and I would want nothing else to be different. Big and beautiful, he is my perfect father.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Leaving On a Jet Plane!

Over the past few days I've had four friends leave me for a different state after living together for a couple of months. Three of those friends left on the plane. The last two were much closer to me than the others. But the final one that left was probably the hardest to watch leave.
I like airplanes, but at the same time I abhor them! One reason why I love them is because I met one of my best friends at an airport. He was there to pick me up in North Carolina when I was flying there to attend an orientation for a job. When it came time to leave, he was there to send me off. That same friend flew out to California to come work with me and I was able to meet him at the airport to give him a welcome that he gave me. A few months later I gave him a goodbye that was heartfelt and began to think he took a piece of my heart with him after he left. He was a good friend, an airplane brought me to him, and him to me; at the same time an airplane took each other away from one another. I can say I am truly looking forward to the day when the airplane allows us to see each other soon.
One reason why I abhor them, is because it was the last time I saw another one of my good friends. I remember at that time, pre-9/11 meaning no restrictions on how far you could go into the airport, seeing him walk into the tunnel on his flight that would take him to San Diego so he could go to his University. I remember hugging him and telling him I loved him for the last time. Though I cannot say for sure, the memory I have of him has him in a light blue shirt and jeans with a black satchel hanging on him. Because of this, I do not like airports; they took away someone that meant so much to me, and I never got to see him again.
With the last person I took to the airport, I am slightly concerned. Alright, more than slightly; I am truly concerned that I may never see this person again. I crave seeing this person already, even though I just left them yesterday. Inside my mind, when I saw them walk through the security gate and wave goodbye for the last time, I saw my younger self saying goodbye to my friend that never returned. I hoped and prayed that I would see this friend again, because I knew, like the one I dropped off the day before, they deserved to be apart of my life more than just a couple months. That I have a future with them, that I want a future with them, that I do not how I can go on without knowing I am going to see them again. If only I could live at an airport, and see them fly in to be with me again.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Help Is On The Way!

On my way from the airport today I ran out of gas in the vehicle I was driving. It was a adventure that I will not easily forget. It was the first time that I was driving a vehicle that was so low on gas. I turned off so many exits looking for a gas station, but as is true with all of life, when you need something the most and you are looking for it, it is never around. As I kept returning to the freeway to find my redemption in a gas station, I noticed the gas level going down far below the "E" symbol. Then it happened. I was driving and came to a point to where I was pushing the gas pedal but I was not going anymore forward. All I had left pushing me was the momentum from the speed I was at. I turned off at the next exit and hardly had enough to reach the light that was at the end of the turn off. I had my friend in the passenger seat next to me jump into the driver seat as I immediately went out of the car to start pushing it so we could make it to the stop light.
At that point, out of no where, a line of cars began to line up and honk loudly to protest their lack of movement from going forward. I apologized to the man that was directly behind me because he had his window down. He said it was fine, then put he emergency flashers on, but what he did next surprised me. He unbuckled his seat belt, open the door to his black Pontiac convertible and proceeded to step out. To my amazement, he stepped right to the side of me and helped me push the car forward. Together we pushed the car one block to the Shell gas station at the end of the block. We needed an extra push to get it into the gas station and another man came to help us. I was truly grateful for what both men did, because, despite my strength, I do not believe I would have been able to do it without them.
Some days, I feel like the world is no longer the decent place that it once was. But today I felt like there was more decency that many people give credit. If we wait just a little bit, help is on the way and sometimes it comes from places we may not expect it.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Bump On the Head

Recently I was hit in the head, multiple times. It was for a improv part of a skit that I was apart of where I played a boy who died and someone sees me and checks to see if I'm alright. The way the decided was funniest to check if I was dead was to slap me repeatedly to see if I had any life left in me. The crowd laughed as it happened, but I became furious with every blow that landed on my head. It was as if the person hitting me was injecting me with an infuriating passion of hate and pressing the trigger that was about to have me explode. At the end of the skit I felt fine, but I was angry with the person who hit my head.
Afterwards, I took time to reflect on why I became to angry. I thought it would be normal to become a little flustered with getting hit on the head, but the level of fury that my mind had was too much for too little of a circumstance. I began to think about other times that I've hit my head, and all the ones of recent memory, lead to me becoming very angry instantly. I began to wonder if there was something in my past that caused my fury to be unleashed from hits on the head. I started to remember that I've received quite a few hits on the head in my childhood. From head-butting soccer balls when playing soccer as a lil tike to punishments for saying something wrong from my parents to falling off my bike with my helmet on but still causing a jolting shot to my head. Head bumps came decently often.
But there is still the question of why it infuriates me when I get hit. To me its inconclusive. I've bumped my head so many times in some many places that its hard for me to blame any one incident. All I know is this happens only when I get hit on the head, its interesting, and unjust to all those who see it in me when it happens. I think I need to have a little more self-control, and peace in my mind, something i'll be working on for a while.

Friday, July 22, 2011


"Hope for the future of America yet!" that is how this article starts itself. Its about a boy doing a selfless act of kindness for someone that was not as fortunate as him. The best part of this entire video though is seen at the 17 second mark. That is when the fortunate child sees the other child crying, and on our hero's face, you can see that he is thinking about doing something, and acts upon it. This is the highlight of my day.

Play of the day! Selfless young fan returns ball to upset boy - Big League Stew - MLB Blog - Yahoo! Sports

Monday, July 18, 2011

When the Imaginary Becomes Reality

Currently where I am working, there happens to be an actor from All My Children, a soap opera on day time television, enjoying a stay. I was talking to a co-worker about the acting he does and the impact that it has on his family. Do the intimate scenes bother his wife? Is it odd for his children when he holds another little girl/boy in his arms? When he says I love you to someone on the show without meaning it, does his family know that when he says it to them that he does mean it? I wonder if it affects them at all, or if they even watch the episodes together as a family.
I've often heard the phrase, 'fake it till you make it', and I find myself decently fond of this phrase. I think that many times that this is how people are able to force themselves into liking something. Like acquired taste, you have to work on the acquiring in order to enjoy the taste of the food or drink. But at what point does what we are pretending to be doing become something that is normal, and a reality? I find this interesting, because I cannot tell when the imaginary process becomes a truth. Often times I find that when I began to be pretend 'best friends' with someone, at some point, they actually become my best friend, and i'm theirs, but I don't know when it happens.
I feel as though its an unexpected process. If you were pretending to be in a relationship (whether it be for on the tele or just for fun) it would creep in, and one day you're sitting across from the person, looking at them realizing that you're slightly jealous of the person sitting next to them. That is when it occurs to you, that you have true feelings for this person and you find that you really want to be with them. It happens so sudden, and before you know it, like the ocean you are in deeper than you actually thought you were and the beach is no longer a few steps away.
How does this actor balance the love he have with his television wife, and his real wife? How can we swim back to shore, before we make life altering decisions to have this new pretend life we have the new reality? Or should we go deeper into the ocean and make a new reality? Either way, there may be regrets for not making the other choice.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Speech to Be Remembered

I love Conan O'Brien. His story, his life, his comedy. He is a good hearted man, that has experience life at the top and at the bottom. This is a very touching speech that is hilarious but true. I may have slightly let a small itty-bitty tear drop when I listened to this. I hope you enjoy this.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Opposite Day, Rebellion and Applebee's

Today we are talking about 3 different issues, Opposite Day (why that will never be the name of a day), Rebellion (the innate response every person has inside of them) and Applebee's (Never go to the one in Watsonville, Ca). These three topics have occurred often lately, so I thought I should speak about them.
First, Opposite Day. There will never be a day called opposite day, because if there was a day dedicated to doing the opposite, by definition the name of the day should be declared as opposite of what it is supposed to be, because it is opposite day...or actually same day! But if you think about it, who would actually follow the rules of a day that is named Same Day. It would be the same as every other day. Then again, if we think about what we do everyday, one very common occurrence is easy to see: rebellion!
(step 2) The definition of rebellion is resistance to or defiance of any authority, control or tradition. Everyday we rebel against something, whether we notice it or not. In our individuality, we are rebelling against all cultures that claim you to be in line with everyone else. In our religion, we are rebelling against every other religion that claims to be the truth. In our everyday live at home, we raise children the way we believe is best, rebelling from what your parents may have done, or the countless books written by childless counselors. In our work, when asked to preform a specific task we preform it in the way that we have learned to be most efficient and beneficial to ourselves, rebelling from the way other people do it, or the way your manager trained you to do it. And one that everybody does: when we drive faster to make it through the yellow light instead of slowing down. Rebellion is to be opposite and we do something opposite to someone else everyday. Its a natural reaction that every person does.Whether it be on purpose, like a girl deciding to cut her hair because a certain boy like long hair, or on accident, when we choose a specific path to take home while your spouse believes the other path is more efficient. There is a rebel in all of us.
Then there is Applebee's. When ever I here someone say opposite day my mind tends to drift towards a children attempting to right their wrong by saying its opposite day and making it okay for him to so what he was doing. Applebee's has done the same to me and a group of friends quite a few times already. As a store that has special deals after 9pm, it seems that every time that we go there they are completely out of stock of only those items that are on sale right at 9 o'clock. The first time we went there we decided to leave and go to another food place. The second time we accepted their imperfect menu and order from the little that was available. Both of those times they tried to explain how they run out of items on night we come because they get their new shipments in the next morning. On the third visit, they decided to close their doors 4 hours early to update their computer system. There is always something they are doing that is opposite of their norm and they try to justify it because like children, because though they are rebelling against what should be done, they still want to be seen as correct in their ways.
This is another reason why we will never have an Opposite Day, because if we do things opposite, we would have to show that what we were going originally was the way it was supposed to be done. But no one explicitly desires to the opposite of others unless it is in spite, because deep inside everyone want to be normal.
But to be normal, is to be loved by everyone, to be seen as acceptable and exceptional to anyone who looks, to be a standard for all others. Normal seems to be the idea of perfection, and no one is perfect, though we strive for it. Our individuality is what keeps us from being normal, but it helps us to be ourselves, with our quirks, mannerisms, imperfects, but above all, it allows us to be human.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

When You Love What You Do

My boss comes up to me and says, "Hey, I like to handle things straight forward and learn from my mistakes so we don't do them again in the future. On that note, I picked up your trash from your Espresso Cart this morning."
My response was simple, "I'm sorry, I must have forgotten it, I'll take care of it next time."
As my boss turned to walk away, he stops, turns back and says, "And by the way, if I haven't told you, you are doing a good job."
Politely I thank him for the compliment. But perhaps he didn't like the way I may have seen it as just a light compliment, so he completely faces me and says, "No, you are doing a Great job, and I really mean it."
Surprised, and a bit stunned, I answer, "I like working here sir, so I try to do a good job."
His response, "Well you are, keeping it up. Thank you"

When you enjoy what you're doing and when you like where you are, work is not work, but an enjoyable activity that you happen to get paid for, and people will notice.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I've heard that the way to become a good leader is to be under a bad one for a long time, so you know exactly what NOT to do...
I've heard that the way to become a good leader is to be a good follower...
I've heard that the way to become a good leader is to always look after those who are with you...
I've heard that the way to become a good leader is to be harsh, apply strict rules and make everyone respect you...
I've heard that the way to become a good leader is to be a good listener...
I've heard that the way to become a good leader is to always be available...
I've heard that the way to become a good leader you need to always have someone else to follow...
I've heard that the way to become a good leader you need to buy the book, and learn all the easy steps to being a good leader...
I've heard that the way to become a good leader you need to be a good speaker so others will be drawn to you.
I've heard that the way to become a good leader you need to think out of the box and be different from everyone else.
I've heard that the way to become a good leader you need to lead.
I've heard that the way to become a good leader you need to be born with an innate ability to lead.
I've heard that the way to become a good leader you need to be strong and confident in yourself.

I've heard of so many ways to becoming a good leader, and some work, some don't. I think the best way to be a good leader is to be adaptable. No matter who you are, or what leadership position you're in, each job, day, moment is different from another. And to be a good leader, you need to be able to lead for that day and be what that day needs you to be, whether its strong, confident, strict, rule keeper, a good speaker, or a good listener. Whatever is needed for that moment for whoever.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Playing Ball

I don't believe there is anything I enjoy more than playing basketball. Its my favorite sport to watch or be apart of. There something about this game that I cannot really communicate that makes it fun. Perhaps its the rush of adrenaline that comes while you drive the lane hoping a small window of opportunity shows up giving you a view to the hoop for a clear shot. Or its how suddenly a burst of energy can enter your body even though you've played an entire game and are completely tired. Maybe even how no matter how loud the crowd can be that is cheering you on, the court seems silent when playing, as if its only your team against the other battling for the win. There is more to the game I love, but I've learned to enjoy it in a new way.
I used to be ultra competitive in games, I simply had to win and would at all cost. That competitiveness helped me to win quite a few games with my team, but I did not enjoy the game as much. One day I tried to have fun in a game and not just win. I lost the game, but I had the a great time playing against other players. Since then, I've learned to have fun with every aspect of the game and truly appreciate the game. I like playing it just to play. Whether its 21 with 2 other guys, or 3-on-3, or if I'm on the court by myself working on my foot work for whenever the next game is, I enjoy doing it all. the game and all it entails, win or lose.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Art of Dressing Up

There are days where I feel like dressing up into something a little more fancy. That might considered a "girl-type" thing to do, but I don't care, I want to look [even more] amazingly great [than I do everyday] sometimes. I was not trying to dress up for anyone or to fit any obligation that I needed to do, but dressing up just for the sake of it. I feel like its necessary to do this every so often. I think that it build confidence in oneself when you dress up because you look at yourself in the mirror and think you look good, so you feel good, and when you feel good, you hold yourself high and walk with more confidence than any regular day.
The other day when I dressed up, I happened to be going into San Francisco for the day just to enjoy my day off of work. When I was out there, I found myself really finding myself wanting to do nothing more than just walk around and enjoy the city life, the people and its places that it had to offer. But it was raining. Yet, despite the water raining on my parade, I walked around and loved it. I had dressed up to go walking around, so I did, and I didn't let the buckets of H2O falling down on me discourage me. I place this confidence on dressing up, I didn't want to go inside and hide myself. I didn't care that I looked completely wet, I was still happy with doing what I wanted to do, because I had dressed up.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Book

So I decided I am going to write a book. Truthfully, I decided quite a while ago, but yesterday I decided that I was actually going to begin writing it. I'll be blogging a little here and there about the process of it. I'm actually pretty excited about it, I just wonder if anyone is going to read it. I hope it becomes a likable book, and that some will read it. I think the theme of the book is one that isn't hit as much as other themes, but its a secret. Only a few actually know what the book will be about, for those of you who want to know, you'll just have to wait till the finished product comes out....whenever that may be.

Wish me Luck!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Something is Missing

Today on my day off from work, I sat in one of my favorite coffee shops, Mr. Toot's Coffee Shop in Capitola, Ca. One of my favorite places to be is in a coffee shop that has a homey feeling. The openness of coffee shops allows me to often be open with myself and what is going on in my life. Slowly, as I sat there, a strange feeling of desire crept into mind. I began to miss so many different people that I haven't been able to see or speak to in a while. Immediately I went on facebook and wrote on many people's wall's explaining that I missed them and wanted to see them, or even just say hi to them. Then I began to think about my family, and how much I miss them. I wanted to go to them hug them and tell them I love them and explain to them that I truly appreciate their place in my life. Then my heart drifted to my brother. He has been gone for a little over 10 years now, I begin to think about what his life would be like. Would he be married and with children? What would his favorite type of coffee be? Who would he be his favorite musical artist right now be? Where would he be living? Would he be proud of the different accomplishments I've had the good fortune of achieving? How much time would I spend talking to him? I'm not much of a crying person, or someone that opens up a lot, but at this time, I'm holding back a river of tears, and I needed to tell someone that I miss him. Thanks for listening.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

30 years ago today, my father celebrated Father's Day for the time as a dad. No longer was he celebrating his dad, but he was being celebrated for who he was. At that time he had only one child, a beautiful baby girl, named Angelita. It was the next step of producing a family of his own. Two years after that, he would be celebrating with another child in his life, a little baby boy named after himself and his dad, Gilbert Felipe. With this new edition to the family he came to the realization that his actions now had more weight than ever, because he saw that the next generation of his family would carry on what he acted out around them. Who he was, they would be. This was his turning point where he turned from a dad to a Father. It was no more of the simple biological connection that he had, but a life choice that he now would be a father. He changed who he was to be the man in these children's lives who would provide food when hungry, water when thirsty, comfort when brokenhearted, and above all love in every moment. By the grace of the Lord, he was a good father to these children. He did his best to be what they needed him to be. And with a passion unknown to those without children, he loved them, with all his heart. Nine years after his second child, I was born. A new child, different from the others that he had came into his life and with arms wide open, he welcomed me with the same love that he gave my older siblings. 20 years later, I know my father loves me, no matter what I do, say, think, he loves me. His love for me has shown the love of the Lord for his followers, and what a precious gem I am with all my imperfections, blemishes, mistakes and flaws. That is the difference between being a Dad and a Father, the choice to stay present in their lives and love relentlessly, as our Father has done for us.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Livin the Dream!

We have a saying at the college that I go to when we talk about how we are doing. When someone ask how are you doing the response would be "I'm living the dream." It a fun way to make the life of papers, 3 hour classes and the everyday schedule seem a little more exciting. I began to think about this line that has started. I really enjoy saying this when someone asks me how I'm doing, even though I'm not really living my dream. But when I say that I find this exciting, I mean that it makes me feel like I'm actually living the way I want to live, that I'm choosing to live the way I am. Then I think about my living situation. Right now my living situation is me being one of seven people staying in a double wide, where we are only a few steps away from our work and are just on the edge of the beautiful Santa Cruz, Ca. Its a good life, that I'm enjoying a lot. Though its not my dream life, it is a good life that I live. It makes me think about John 10.10 when Christ says talks about life and how he came to give us a life that is full. And though he may have been talking about life in heaven, its easy to see that he could have meant that he wants our life to be full here on earth. And I really like that idea. I may not be living the dream life right now, but I can definitely say that I'm living a full life.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dreaming With A Broken Heart

Over the past few days, tragedy has hit. A breakup of a couple, a dog put down and a death of a father. All bearing weight on the hearts of those effected by the loss. I've been in these type situations before, and in all these situations, sleep can be hard to come by. Tears often fill up the time it takes to fall asleep as one lies in bed and loneliness flutters in with the ever so burning question of "Why?" in the mind, further distracting the body from sleep. But as we sleep there seems to be a peace. I think it because while you sleep you dream, and while you dream, everything is okay again. In a dream world, things are back to normal, those whom are lost are gained once again. Its a beautiful, deceitful time. The mind plays tricks, but the heart enjoys it. Times like these I often enjoy reading the words of David in the Psalms. Many of the Psalms are ones that are of heart break, despair and pain. David cries out to God in every moment of pain that he enters knowing full well that he will be given help, and though it may take time to heal, he isn't doing it alone. It may be awhile until he can truly appreciate a blessing in the day, but at least until then as he relies on God, he can enjoy the blissfulness of a night's dream.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shooting Stars

Tonight, I went for a walk at night with a friend and discussed different things of life during the walk. What we were blessed to see was multiple shooting stars throughout the night. It was fascinating to see stars streaking across the night sky at such an amazing pace. Appearing out of no where and seeming to disappear into the same nothingness that it came from. It was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Thank you God for letting me see that.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


There seems to be times designated for people to go out and have fun. We call that Guy's night out. Actually, its more precisely called 'Night without Girls.' Where I work, our group has a night dedicated to the sexes separated and getting away. Its fine and all, but honestly its geared towards girls. Only girls want to just get away from boys and spend time with just girls. Guys don't often do that. Maybe they get away once every once in a while for a drink and poker night. But there are only three guys here, so we don't really need to get away together. We already spend most of our time together anyway. But, we went out anyways and had a night of misfortunes. It was rather sad. But like the fun guys we are, we decided to make the most of it and turn it into a good time!
Sometimes I wonder if Jesus ever had Guy's Night Out (GNO) with his disciples. They were always traveling together among other people and maybe they needed some nights where they can just get away. Perhaps its rather odd to think about such, but I think that since Jesus came down to show us how to be human, maybe he wanted to show us how to have fun too. Or maybe I'm trying to stretch this out a little too much. Either way, I think a GNO with Jesus would be hilarious and fun.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Living Learning Community

For almost two weeks now, I've been living in a double wide with what started out with 3 other people. Now things have changed to make me one of six that live in here. With another arriving today and one more who is always in our house, it seems that the eight of us are going to be getting to know each other really well. Now that I think about it, there is even a 9th person coming in after that some time later this month. 9 people, one roof, lots of fun, lots of learning.
Since I've been at this place before some of the others, it is interesting to see how the dynamics have changed with each person added. First there was comfort in having only 4 people living together. It was easy to get up and travel together, or plan where we want to go because there is only 4 people to please. Next we added two and the dynamics changed. I have to admit that I was comfortable in the situation with four people, but with six it gets a little complicated. Only a certain car can be driven, with only one driver, going out to eat gets a little stressing with certain eating habits of the new comers and trying to please everyone. Then there is always the chance of one person being favored in the group a others slightly being pushed out. When there is a small group, no one should be out of the group. With the addition of another today, things will change and new dynamic will enter our house. But I think thats where the learning is.
When there are more people in an area, there are more desires, more issues to deal with, more characters in a group. Its not a bad thing, its a great thing because everyone is so amazingly different. I wont always have the chance to live with people that may or may not think, believe, act, talk or work like me. In the not too distant, but distant enough, future I'll have a place of my own and then after that I'll be living with the love of my life. But right now is the time where I can soak up information from other people and see which way of life works for them as I find out what works for me. I think living with different people is a great way to experience people that God made. Its like looking at a different aspect of God. Each person He created has a different reflection of Him, and living with multiple people allows me to see Him in many new ways.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Writer's Block

I really want to talk about something, but I cannot think of what. This is funny because I feel like i'm always looking at things and thinking about how I should write about them. Often times at night before I can fall asleep I debate in my mind what would be a good post for the next day about what I did the all that day, but when I wake in the morning, I forget what I want to write about. Times like these I go and update my Words On a Page & Pictures pages (you can click them at the top of page if you wish to see them.) Hopefully I'll find something to write about soon.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Prayer Partner

The group that I am working with is also a ministry. When we had our first Bible study together we did something that I have not done before with any other ministry. We did prayer partners. We drew names out of a hat and whoever we chose we were going to pray with. My partner was Cherry Flame (we came up with nik names for each other, i'm Brown Shugar aka B. Shug) and we decided to go out for a walk and talk about what we needed prayer for. This whole process was actually quite exciting. I really enjoy walks, especially at night because the beauty of the night sky opens and the way that any light shines allowing so much to be seen from so little light. As a person who does not really open up to many people, I think that the openness of a walk allows for people to open up and say the truth. My partner and I were able to converse about the situations we are in, the expectations we have and the all that is at hand for this summer. As we circled the camp, we find a spot under a street light to sit, and after we had just spoken what was on our minds, we stopped and prayed for all of it right there. They were simple prayers for one another, and sometimes its the simplicity that makes everything great. A simple walk, a simple prayer, a simple memory I will keep.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Home is Where the Heart Is

Currently, I'm sitting on the couch of my new summer home in Watsonville, Ca listening to the sounds of the house as it creaks in various places. After a wonderful dinner with good company at Santa Cruz Diner sharing countless laughs with those that I'll be spending my summer with, I returned to my living quarters and began to sit and imagine what this summer is going to be. I left home yesterday to a job that has potential to be stressful with so much needing to be done constantly, to friends new and old to create bonds and live life with, and to an opportunity to minister to others who are in need of ministry. I left home yesterday strangely craving to spend more time among my family despite there being turmoil at hand and uneasiness in the air. When I left home yesterday, to me it seemed like I left in an odd time because I oddly felt that my time there was not sufficient, that I did not spend enough time there and that I am missing out on not being there. For a person that no longer spends much time at my parents place, visiting about 3 times a year: for Christmas/New Years time, Mother's day and my mothers birthday, (I wouldn't dare miss those last two dates, unknown dangers would definitely occur!) being away from home has become, in many ways, home. So this peculiar desire to be home, seems unnatural and out of place for me. But perhaps this is me learning what being homesick really is. Maybe I'm learning where my heart actually is, and since my mind is already there, my body is wanting to be there too.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

On the Horizon

There come moments when you can feel change on the rise. Somehow when you look at the horizon you know that with the new day, something else new is coming. Its there, real and tangible. Despite what may be the present situation, despite all previous actions, despite what is known, there is still an awareness that something is about to happen that is going to be unsuspectingly great. I'm in that moment and feeling right now. I don't know what is going to happen, but I can feel something is going to change for the better.

Friday, May 20, 2011


I've been seeing many billboards lately saying that judgement day will begin tomorrow. So, just in case it actually will be, its been a pleasure, and thank you for reading my blog. I hope you've enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing. Thank you

Now to continue writing what may be my last post, but more than likely it will not be. Even if the world would end tomorrow, via zombies, earthquakes, tsunamis (why is there a t at the beginning?), fire or something we may not have heard of before I'd more than likely try to sneak one more post in here. =] But what I did want to say is that it has seem to become trendy to speak about apocalypse these days. First there was the Y2K where all the computers would apparently shut down and ruin the world because they could not handle the number 2000. (I think we would have been just fine without computers back then, we did not rely on them as much as we do today. Maybe if computers failed to work today we would be more in a bit of a pickle.) Also, this didn't not make too much sense because there is no reason why a computer would not be able to compute a new number, because that is what they are made to do. Right..? Then a new date came, December 21st 2011! The new apocalypse day sponsored by the Mayan Calendars, was even boosted by the terrible thriller 2012 (which me and some friends had the idea of watching at midnight and did unfortunately.) After that, familyradio bought thousands of posters and got people everywhere confessing that the end of the world will start tomorrow and end Oct 21, 2012. Funny that the end of the world takes a full 5 months to happen. I am greeted by these signs every time I enter my little town and I wonder, how can someone set a day and time for the Apocalypse when people on the other side of the earth will be experience May 22nd as we go through our 21st? Though I don't really believe that it will all come down tomorrow, it does make me think.
It says in the Bible that the Lord will come like a thief in the night, in the twinkling of an eye, and that no one knows the day nor the hour when He will return for his people, not even Jesus himself claims to know the answer, buy God alone. I've been thinking, that I know that our days are limited, and though I doubt tomorrow is our last day, I would rather take a moment to make myself right with God today and be safe than to be sorry tomorrow. I also think that since I never know when the Lord is coming, why should I limit myself to making myself right with God on one night? I think that from now on, my prayers are going to be said with a bit more honesty and care, because I sincerely do not want to be left here on the earth when the Lord takes up his beloved. I'd much rather be with Him. I know I'm going to be, but there is no harm in saying a prayer one more time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Confidence of a Child

I'm currently sitting next to a little boy who, as he just told and showed me, is 5 years old and has amazing powers. I was not necessarily in a mood to talk to anyone, simply wanting to sit and enjoy my drink and computer time, but this boy did not care, he was determined to talk to me and tell me about his himself and his powers. First, I found he had three toys with him, small action figures of superheroes: The Flash, Batman and, his favorite, Sports Master (who is that!?! and what kind of a name is Sports Master for a superhero???) He then told me that he can stand on his hands, run fast and even breathe fire out of his nose! My favorite though is when he told me that he can fly. I gave him a surprised look and said, "Really?", he laughed and said, "Why are you surprised? Of course I can, my dad taught me." Over time, as he ate his Little Caesar's pizza and bread sticks, I got to see to know a lot about this boy, but the trait I think I liked best about him was his confidence. He would laugh at things that were going on in his head and when I looked at him he didn't care that I starred at him. When he showed me his strength of picking up a stack of chairs with only his pinky finger, he acted like he actually did it and if I questioned his strength he would have called me crazy! He came and sat down next to me as if he belonged there and talked to me as if he was a long time friend. It was fascinating the time I spent with him. I honestly wish I could have his confidence when I walked into foreign places and spoke with people that I did not know when I walked in. He looked, walked, talked as if he own the place ans no one could tell him others wise. That is the type of confidence that I want in my life.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My Simple Porch

I sat out on my porch this afternoon and played my ukulele and sang of the rain that poured down a foot away from me. It was absolutely lovely. As a person that thoroughly enjoys the rain and sitting out on a porch, it was a good time for me. The smell of the rain blown in by the cool wind was all about me giving me a refreshing breath of air. The sound of the ukulele chimed beautifully with the rain pattering down as the consistent beat. Though my arms were cold from being outside with only a t-shirt, my heart was warmed from the moment; and though I played in the middle of a personal trial, I had a smile on my face. I was having the time of my life, sitting on my porch, with my dogs besides me. For that time, I was able to finally able to relax and enjoy the moment with all issues away from my mind. It was simple but beautiful.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now?

I kinda don't like to repeat myself very often. Especially when I know a person is completely not listening to me in the middle of a conversation I'm having with them and they don't excuse themselves. I know that things come up and conversations need to be interrupted sometimes for important reasons, but I'm not talking about those times. I'm talking about the slightly important conversation that gets interrupted by the other person not caring or showing no will to listen to what I have to say. I find it so dehumanizing and degrading; I am not sure why people cannot be more intentional with listening. Are they purposefully trying to spite me? Are my words really not that important because I'm not in a high position in their minds? I was in the grocery store with someone who apparently found the vegetables better conversationalist than me. I was thinking, "Why are bell peppers more important than the human next to you?!" This is something that really bothers me. Yes my conversation was not life changing or life and death situation, but it was of importance to me in the discussion that I thought I was having with this person.
Unfortunately, there are two sides to this coin. I often catch myself being distracted away from the conversations I'm having with people, even if the conversation is interesting or if the other person is telling me something important to them and I have to step away from them. I think about the feelings that I get from this happening to me, and wonder if they feel the same way when I do that to them. I want them to know that what they say has relevance and that I do want to listen to them. I want to let them know that they are more important than bell peppers! (even though they may not know what i mean when I say that) I want to look at them and them that they are important to me and I want to listen to every word that drips out of their mouth when we're discussing something, but I feel that sometimes my actions would make me a hypocrite and they wouldn't listen because of that. Sometimes, I get caught looking at bell peppers instead of the human next to me. I'm regretful. I know the feeling, and rather not pass it on.
Next time, please listen for those moments when someone is talking. They'll appreciate being more important than bell peppers.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Something to Hold

Recently, I returned to my parent's house, to spend time with them before I leave again and go off to work for the summer. It was nice to be around my family and celebrate my mom for mother's day. I went into my room and found it, not quite the way I left it. My bed was gone, replaced with a futon, I had a coffee table places in the middle of the room and my desk is filled with my dad's paperwork with my computer fluttered with his new files. Things were missing and there were new items in their place. But thats what happens sometimes, the new replaces the old. But as it was time for me to clean out my belongings that I had left there, I noticed things that were very old. Some of these possessions that I've had for years, I have not even used for almost as many years as they have been there. Many are ones that I've be given from people or inherited from others that I accepted with intention to use, but I simply did not get around to it. There are other things that I have kept for memories. I have a series of baseball cards that are all of Ricky Henderson when he was in New York. I'm not even a big fan of baseball, and I hardly know who Mr. Henderson is (besides the time I happened to run into him at Disneyland.) Yet, I still have it in my possession. I'm not really the type of person that would keep anything that I do not use. I am definitely not a hoarder! But I still have quite a few things like this Ricky Henderson collectors item around my room. I realized that I've kept all of these things for a reason. Each of these things hold a special memory to me that I do not want to let go of quite yet.
I began to think about how possessions can be a representation of people when they can no longer be around those who want to remember them. The people are gone for different reasons, job, school, moved, holiday and sometimes unfortunately, death. But in any these situations people leave behind others who can no longer be with them. They are not physically there, which can make things difficult for those who have been left behind. I think that the reason why people have keepsakes is because they are tangible items that can be held when a person the care for is not around to fill the position. There is importance to presence and touch that people may not always realize. Even for those people whose number one love language is not quality time or physical touch, both presence and touch still matter. There is something about those two qualities that allows people to know that others care for them and enjoy them. Thats why people hold these possessions with them, to remember those who can not be next to them any longer. Unable to hold their loved one, they just need something to hold.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Am I Good?

Someone recently pointed out to me that they thought themselves to be 98% good. I found that very surprising. I thought three things initially about this person telling me this. First, I thought that they were saying that they were 2% away from being perfect which I would definitely disagree with. Second, I did not know why they had related good to a percentage, as if there is a certain percentage that is acceptable or preferable to have, and they have that percentage. Lastly, I wondered if the person ever met themselves because after knowing this person for quite some time now, I was in awe at how high they rated themselves. Not to be rude, but to honest; 98% is high for them, for anyone actually, even myself.
I continued to contemplate about this person's confession and had to think more about what I thought about being "good" was, According to Jesus, there is only one who is good. The story starts with someone refering to Jesus as Good Teacher but Jesus dismisses their question to ask them why they called him good, saying only the father is good. Interesting, very interesting. Only God is good? That is a very high standard to live up to. Based on that alone, I don't know how anyone can consider themselves good. But I would say that good is too small of a word for God, that it was meant for us feeble humans. Perhaps the word good was mistranslated as often happens with our difficult English. Another verse came to mind when I thought about being good. Paraphrasing, its says a man may think his way is right [good], but his path leads to death. Is this person thinking that they are good on the path to death? The word death makes this seem so dramatic, and also (again) interesting. I wonder if I think that I'm doing good, but really am lost.
I would usually describe myself as a decently good person, but probably not simply, good. Though I would say that I make mostly good choices in my life, but I don't think that I am good. Maybe mostly good. But I think that there is a different issue that is almost opposite of those who think they are "good," that I sometimes may fall under. Its the issue that people think, "I know I'm not good, and never can be fully such, and since there is nothing I can do to be good, why try?" And those people may go along simply doing what ever pleases them (whether that is "good" or "bad" actions) and not strive for something. Is that just as bad as those who think they are good? Maybe. Is there a difference between good people and being good? I'm beginning to think I am over analyzing the idea of being good. But maybe my point is to show that there is a fine line between saying that we are good, and being conceited while walking down the wrong path. This make me think I need to reevaluate myself.

Monday, April 25, 2011

They Don't Understand

I recently met a family whose heart is completely immersed into missionary work. As I walked all around their home, I saw pictures of other families that they knew that were off in other countries. When talking to the mother of this family, we talked about the experiences that they and the other families had while out in the field. The people that go out there see miracles happen in small and large ways. They have close encounters with death, they lead people to Christ, they go to places that most people will never be able to even pronounce, then its time to come home. When they prepare to go home they reminisce on what home was like, the people around them, what they used to do for fun and how excited they were to continue those traditions upon their return. Except there was a problem when they returned, the traditions they once had are no longer what they used to be, the people they enjoyed the company of are not the same people they once spent time with and home doesn't have the same feel to it They came home with expectations of being able to enjoy some of their favorite past times, but those past times do give them the same feel that they missed when they were abroad. Something happened while they were gone; life happened, just as they experienced life away, the people they missed experienced their own life and had become new people that have grown without their missionary friends around.

This is where the meat of my conversation with the mother began. The transition home for the missionaries can some times be very difficult. They come home expecting it to be the way they left it, they expected people to have missed them and want to hear their stories, but not always is it that way. For some reason many times when they come home, people ask how their trip was but don't truly want to know but are doing such to be merely polite. Its as if they are asking while walking in the other direction, wanting a quick answer as they continue going on their way. A life altering experience cannot be said in a moment's word. Even when there are those who genuinely interested in hearing their story, they don't completely understand what happened there because they cannot relate to it. Only other missionaries can understand what really happened out there. People who have gone through what they have done, pored their lives into what they did there, can truly understand the change that happened in their lives. Their experience draws them together in a way that others may never know.

This makes me think about the experiences of life that we go through. Though it may not be a long missionary journey to another country, we do experience life changes through events that happen. I can say that through a study abroad that I have done, I have been able to have a such an experience that not many understand what I went through and can completely appreciate it unless they went through it. Those who did go through it know the feeling of the experience and can sit and talk away the hours of memories of what happened. These encounters pull us together though we may have never known each other. It is a hidden attraction to one another, and everyone else just stands on the outside looking in. Why does this happen? because the people that experience this crave other who have done the same and can relate to them, who listen to them and understand them.

Though people on the outside may try, there is something that blocks them from the comprehension of an experience. But that should not stop them from listening to their friend's experience, even pretending to be interested for a time places a smile on their face. Showing those who have been gone that they have been missed, and they will open up and share that experience with them. The wall of not being able to understand slowly falls down with each story that is told. Though complete understand may never be reached, at least a distant friend felt they were home when among their friends again.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

To Travel the World

Over the past week I’ve traveled from one end of the country to the other side and back again. Currently, I’m on a train going from one end of my state to the other. Traveling has become a bit of a habit. I remember when I was younger that I would want to travel and see places that I have not been to; I wanted to see the world, and all that it has to offer. I always thought I should start with my own country, which is rather big in itself, and see what new and interesting people would cross may path as I travel around. As I’ve been going here and there, I’ve noticed that I have been truly fortunate on my travels. I’ve been on two trips to the other side of our country, one to Atlanta, Georgia the other to Charlotte, North Carolina and the payment for it never came out of my pocket. No I am not a clever thief, but a fortunate man who has been favored by God. It is amazing to think that those trips I have had to pay for nothing. With airports always raising their prices its amazing to have had such a blessing of having my dream of traveling provided for, especially when both of these travels were not necessarily a part of my long term plans but came quickly and were surprises that needed quick planning. It seems the prayers I had as a child are coming to be answered. It makes me think that though I may not see a quick answer to my prayers, in due time they come. Perhaps, God is just waiting for me to be ready to move to where He provides. These travels have come in opportunities that were unexpected and exciting, which makes me look forward to the travels of my future, the ones that are planned, and the ones that are fun surprises. Either way, God is answering the prayers I had as a child.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Happy Anniversary! It has been one year since I started this blog. To me, it is odd to think about. I honestly do not remember what I was thinking when I started this, but so far it has been fun! Thank you for reading this, I truly appreciate it. Now to actually say something...
Currently, I'm writing this in a library at the university that I attend. I have to say that I am not a big fan of libraries, they just seem so odd to me. Perhaps it is because they are always so large and everything is always where I can't seem to find it! Recently a friend showed me the orderly system that they have set up in almost all libraries. I find that fascinating! Everything is in the neatly organized system that I cannot really understand from the position that I put myself in. It makes me also think about seeing the earth from an airplane. As you get higher and higher you can see the formation of the ground, the large squares that everything seems to be in. We don't notice it because of the position were in. Makes me think about how we all have a place to be. We can get lost, side tracked or put aside, but eventually we'll be put back to where we should be. Like the library book system, some things may get out of order and make life a little more difficult, but at some point, we get back into our spot were comfort, safety and security is there waiting for us. Maybe its the adventure of being put out of position that helps us to appreciate where we are.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Little Victories

Each day can be filled with little victories that make life a little more exciting. I'd say that these victories are ones that no one else can appreciate like you can. It can be something personal that no one else may notice or understand. Just the other day, I had one of these little victories. At work, for quite some time now, my favorite dustpan and broom was missing. (*side note* I currently work at a place where there is a coffee shop, deli, grill and quikimart all next to each other in one building) I had been stuck using different ones which are lower grade and were not as easy to be used. It wasn't making life terrible, but just not as easy. But, one day as I am looking for the broom and dustpan, I notice that the coffee shop manager had my favorite dustpan and broom. Slyly I walk over and grab the precious items, and ask the manager if they were using it. And once I heard them say no, a loud cheer went off in my head. I had found my broom and dust pan from the clutches of the unknown. (I no longer trust the coffee shop people, since I found them with my cherished possessions. just kidding...) I told a friend about this happening, they did not seem to have the same excitement that I had for finding what was lost. It was a little victory, something that helped me get through my shift with a little more excitement. Though it wasn't the big "thing" that kept me going for the rest of my day, it was something that made me smile when I needed to.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I find few things more encouraging that hearing that someone is praying for you. Life seems to be going better when I hear that; I feel like I can make it through a rough time once I hear that. There something about it that makes you feel like someone cares for you. Whether or not the person is close to you or you still communicate with the person, its still encouraging. As I rolled into my apartment last night, I was talking to one of my roomies who told me about his time with a professor that I one had. He mentioned my name to the professor and the professor immediately smiled. "That guy is a crazy guy!" said the professor, "I have him on my prayer list." Upon hearing this I had such a large smile on my face because I had the feeling that someone cares enough for me to take out time to pray specifically for me. I know that there are people that pray for me all the time (family and people from my church group) but to have it come from someone that I didn't realize would do that for me. It's comforting, especially when going through difficult times, it good to know there is someone out there praying for you.
I have a list on the right side of my computer (because I use it so much) posted on a "post-it" of people, groups, places to pray for. For me its simple and easy because I see it every time I open my computer, and I take a moment to say a prayer for them. Every once in a while, I let the people know that I am praying for them; I encourage them. A moment of prayer is all it takes to let someone know you care.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

How to Save a Life

Interesting story I heard recently from a friend. A woman regularly bought pizza and a 2 liter soda from a nearby Dominoes pizza. When I say regularly, what I mean is DAILY! Crazy that someone who do that everyday, this seems like every 10 years old's dream to have this kind of diet, and apparently this person has been doing this for years. So, from all the ordering and delivering the pizza people know who she was, knew when she was going to call in and had grown accustomed to this order every day. Then one day,a woman comes into work at the Dominoes branch and noticed that the time have passed that their number one customer usually makes the order. She asks around the workplace to see if anyone heard the call earlier, or if they know anything about what may have happened to the women. Strangely constant concerned for there customer the women drove to the oddly absent woman's house. Upon arrival, the pizza woman went to the door and started knocking. She poked her head in the window and suddenly began to hear the sound of someone calling for help. When hearing the cry, the pizza woman burst into action and was able to somehow get into the house. The story from here is that the woman in the house had one to many pizzas which led to her falling and not able to get up. Super Pizza Woman (Dominoes' own heroine!) saw her and dialed the ambulance to come and take care of her. Yay, the heroine saves the day! The End... I find it interesting how the same consistency of ordering pizza that brought the victim to the ground also helped the victim up again!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Coffee Shops

I love coffee shops. There is something about the smell of the air, the music that is played and the people sitting inside. I enjoy the mom & pop shops particularly because many have that homey feel they give as you walk in and they know your name and what kind of coffee you like most. Oh, and I love went they have their open mic nights! The poetry that is spoken, the young artist trying to get someone to listen to his music and the lovely set up of a small stage, a chair and a mic, showing that all the flashy concerts with their huge set ups are not needed but that simplicity can be enough. I may not be an avid coffee drinker but if I could simply sit in a coffee shop and enjoy the atmosphere all day I would.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Greatest Professor I Never Had

Many people say that we need to think before we speak, and we will stay out of trouble. Who actually does this? What does this look like? I have had the opportunity to meet a man who truly thinks before he speaks. I've had some great professors in the few years I have had in college thus far. But there is one professor that I will most likely not have during my learning days. This professor is the only man that I know that thinks about what he is about to say. Every word that comes out of his mouth is carefully planned in mind before he says it. Amazing! He taught one lesson in a class I had once, which allowed me to see how he taught. The only downfall of what he did is that it is easy to allow the mind to wander because of long pauses that this professor takes to think out all his words. But I admire him. He allows awkward pauses to take place because he wants to correctly speak to you. He is absolutely intentional about every word spoken. It allows for you to truly appreciate what he says because it is definitely not just "hot air." I am astonished to see someone who can actually tame his tongue! Lately when I have been asked questions, specifically after presentations that I give, I try to think about what is the best answer to give. Its uncomfortable, awkward because my audience (a small crowd of students in a classroom) is sitting waiting for me to answer. Its not like they are on the edge of their seats waiting to hear what I say, but it seems like I am wasting too much time trying to think of words to respond with. Yet despite the oddness of the moment, I know what I am speaking has been well thought out and is exactly what I want to be said. It is a complete answer. I wonder what conversations would be like if everyone would think about what they were going to say. Every word in the solitude of their mind, before it was spoken and no longer able to be taken back.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What Dreams May Come.

This morning I woke up with my heart pounding inside my chest as if I had just ran at full speed away from something trying to get me. I blame it on the dream I had, it wasn't the most enjoyable one that I have ever had and had me to the brink of sweating. It was interesting because I haven't felt a dream so real in a while. It was intense and relatively believable, making me take a moment to think if what happened was actually real. The dream made me think about where do dream come from and what are they caused by. I understand that some people believe that they are usually based on the last thing you saw before you go to sleep, and others say that they are messages from God and that he speaks to you through them. I cannot see really either of them being fully true. First because I've only had two dreams, that I remember, that actually dealt with something I saw or did before I went to sleep. Secondly, because dreams are unreliable since some people can control what they are doing in them, some people cannot even remember them, and some people claim not to have them. But still I wish I knew what it was our brains were doing when I have a dream. I enjoy dreaming so much, minus the few that can be considered nightmares, but even those are somewhat enjoyable. They are an adventure to be had that I may never have the opportunity to do. It's watching a movie, where I am the main character and I can learn more about who I am. It is my favorite part of sleeping. My favorite dream that I've had was, in short, filled with memories turned into paintings done by different artist. Each painting meant so much to me that when I saw them in my dream I cried, they were all beautiful. It was a lovely dream that I will always remember. And as my eyes grow tired now I cannot wait for the time to sleep for who knows what dreams may come that I may live within my mind.