Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I wake up in the morning and queitly exit my room because my roommate is asleep. I walk around my house to find that the other people in my apartment are doing the same. There is no one to say good morning to. I prepare myself a bowl of cereal and sit on my empty couch staring at the white blank wall in front of me. I take my morning pills, a vitamin and allergy medicine and get ready to go outside. Next I go to this morning's chapel. I'm not surprised that when I walk around the building to find a seat, I see no one that I know, so I sit alone. Finally, I see a friend and invite them to sit with me, but they mention they have already made commitments to sit with another so they lie to me saying that next time they'll sit with me, I've become acustomed to not being chosen. After chapel i make way way over to my mail box just to make sure it is empty; and just as I expect, there are no surprises again, empty. I head back to my apartment to gather all my class items and if i didn't eat breakfast before, i'll eat then, otherwise i'll catch up on the news via Yahoo. Once its time, I go to class and sit bored as the professor over explains the problems that I've already answered and am waiting to turn in. As soon as class is over I leave, no one here is in the mood to chat after overviewing Accoutning 2. I walk down the center of my school looking for someone to spend some time with, but as usual there is no one there wanting to talk to me. I proceed to my apartment again, this time I work on homework and watch a episodes of online television shows until my night class comes. I sit in the same room as my earlier class for three hours listening to a professor explain his theories about microeconomics. After this, I head back home again. Upon arrive at my house, its about 10:40 and i'm getting tired. No one is home, more than likely my roommates are all out with their girlfriends. I watch another episode or two of television while I eat dinner. Then I end my day similarly to how I start it, with no one to say goodnight to. This is my routine for 3 days out of the work week. Its missing a few things here and there, and some things change from day to day, but for the most part its all the same. I like routine that works, but this one I can hardly stand, so as often as I can I try to change it so I can be with someone, anyone and not be by myself in this mudane cycle. Unfortunately, no one else makes the effort like I do, so I am stuck in routine. I'm stuck alone.

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