Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Writing Their Hearts

A man once told me that the best writing came when a person is at their lowest point. I began to ponder this man's words. Why is it that in our lowest point comes out the best of writing, many times, our masterpieces! As a bit of a writer myself, I would have to agree with the man's statement because I can see that some of my favorite pieces came from the darkest, saddest, most hurtful or disappointing times in my life. In a strange way, I sometimes look forward to those low moments because there are rarely any other times that I can write better. One needs fuel for the fire, as a writer needs a subject to write about. A poem that can grasp the reader into it, is a poem that has brings the writer's feelings in. In the midst of a tragedy a writer can wield their pen and write what they are going through. It is in tragedy that the heart is most felt. When the heart bleeds its spreads through the body and can be seen, felt and heard. It is a open vessel available to be read. And through the openness of the heart, the writer can be closer to the feelings that drive him, that give him something to write about. He can truly write out his heart. This is special because the reader can relate and know the burden that is laid upon the heart of the writer. In a way, it is encouragement to both the reader and the writer. The writer writes with purpose for people to listen to him, and they do, while the reader reads and sees that they are not the only one going through issues in life. Writing is a type of let, that allows the writer to get all that is in him out, to make room for the good things worth keeping.

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