Sunday, October 30, 2011


It seems that many people do the same thing over and over and begin to allow their dream of having a family, going to their dream college or working their dream job to become mundane and too repetitive. And when things seem repetitive, it gets dull and boring. No one wants to live a life that boring. I think the remedy for this is adventures. These don't need to be big, huge, life changing events. But there should be times when you can have a little getaway, a time to get out of the bubble that we so often put ourselves in.
Now, i'm not saying that we should be thrill seekers! Looking for the new and most exciting thing to do every time we get a chance. Although, i'm not against that, but I think that even adventures can lack fulfillment if one begins to do them so repeatedly. Thus, adventures carefully planned are the perfect remedy for a less than thrilling life sometimes.
I realize that my life is missing excitement, thrill, adventure. I need something tho look forward to, something to take pictures of and enjoy in the moment. Lately my life has been lacking in these types of adventures. I've been finding myself too busy with the things that drain the fun out of life: homework, job, bills. It would seem that I've allowed myself to be too consumed with life that it is hard to enjoy it anymore. But I'm looking to change that. I'm going to make fun happen for myself; give myself opportunities to look for and take pictures of all of it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I wake up in the morning and queitly exit my room because my roommate is asleep. I walk around my house to find that the other people in my apartment are doing the same. There is no one to say good morning to. I prepare myself a bowl of cereal and sit on my empty couch staring at the white blank wall in front of me. I take my morning pills, a vitamin and allergy medicine and get ready to go outside. Next I go to this morning's chapel. I'm not surprised that when I walk around the building to find a seat, I see no one that I know, so I sit alone. Finally, I see a friend and invite them to sit with me, but they mention they have already made commitments to sit with another so they lie to me saying that next time they'll sit with me, I've become acustomed to not being chosen. After chapel i make way way over to my mail box just to make sure it is empty; and just as I expect, there are no surprises again, empty. I head back to my apartment to gather all my class items and if i didn't eat breakfast before, i'll eat then, otherwise i'll catch up on the news via Yahoo. Once its time, I go to class and sit bored as the professor over explains the problems that I've already answered and am waiting to turn in. As soon as class is over I leave, no one here is in the mood to chat after overviewing Accoutning 2. I walk down the center of my school looking for someone to spend some time with, but as usual there is no one there wanting to talk to me. I proceed to my apartment again, this time I work on homework and watch a episodes of online television shows until my night class comes. I sit in the same room as my earlier class for three hours listening to a professor explain his theories about microeconomics. After this, I head back home again. Upon arrive at my house, its about 10:40 and i'm getting tired. No one is home, more than likely my roommates are all out with their girlfriends. I watch another episode or two of television while I eat dinner. Then I end my day similarly to how I start it, with no one to say goodnight to. This is my routine for 3 days out of the work week. Its missing a few things here and there, and some things change from day to day, but for the most part its all the same. I like routine that works, but this one I can hardly stand, so as often as I can I try to change it so I can be with someone, anyone and not be by myself in this mudane cycle. Unfortunately, no one else makes the effort like I do, so I am stuck in routine. I'm stuck alone.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today is my sister's birthday. Happy Birthday! I really am thankful for her presence in my life. Without my sister, I believe that I would be different today. She has giving me the ability to think and to push my thought process forward. Shes been available for me to talk about anything. I've spilled secrets to here, shared stories with her and watched her grow up into the person she is today. My sister has been exactly what I've needed in my life from a sister. I love her very much! Thank you very much God for blessing me with her. Happy Birthday Sis.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Ring on My Hand

I have a ring on my right ring finger. Its simple, being completely black but has the word "Mercy" on it in a Romanesque font and gold coloring. I wear it because it has meaning to me. I believe that there are two things that we need in everyday life that we don't get very often: Goodness and Mercy. Thankfully, in Psalm 23:6 it says, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life..." But even though its in the Bible, its hard to remember on some days that this verse remains true even though life shows you otherwise. There are days when so many things go wrong, that its hard to believe that there is good in the world. Then there are days when we screw up, and we are given a full penalty for our mistakes. Its on those days that I need this assurance the most, that despite what is going on in front of me, that somewhere in my situation is goodness. When I am receiving penalties for my actions, in the midst of it all there is mercy. Everyday, no matter if I feel it or not, its there. This ring on my finger, reminds me this. One day, I hope to make this reminder permanent, so I will never forget that goodness and mercy is following me.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Who Am I?

I've been told that I am loud and obnoxious, but I'm quiet and speak when spoken to. I've been told that I am such a merciful person, but I recently took a test that showed mercy to be my least used gift. I've been told that I am a great speaker, but I get nervous and stutter in front of people. I like to make people laugh, but many times I'm simply not funny. I have a feeling that I will do something big, but I feel so small, useless and unnecessary. I love, but at times feel unloved. I think i'm fit, but injuries keep me from being at my peak physical physique. I believe that I am a good writer, but my grammar is horrendous. I have dreams, but not all have come to be. I've been told that I am a good person, but I feel like the goodness is a disease that has taken over me and I no longer can help myself. I want to believe in something, but what I believe in has brought me to where I am. I love music but sometimes I cannot stand the sound of it. I say one thing, but I do another. I know who I am, but I am unsure of myself. Who am I?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Good Story

As a little bit of a writer, I appreciate when I hear a good story. A good story is not one that ends on a good note, one that is happy-go-lucky or cheers you up, though it can be. A good story is one that captivates you; it brings you into character's lives and makes you think you know them on a personal level. A good story is one that you'll listen to over and over again, without remorse. Its a story that makes you believe that what you are watching is actually true and you're sucked into without a knowledge of how or when it happened. A good story takes thought and process. It takes time to write a good story, and is worth the wait. I am writing a story, and I can only hope that it will be considered good.